Faith in the day qiyamat is an essential element of faith in Islam. Without faith in qiyamat day, one's faith will not be accepted. As is not acceptable if it does not believe in Allah, the angels of God, the books of His book, his apostles, and qadha qadar Him.Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says:"... Those who disbelieve in Allah, angels, angels, the books of His book, his apostles, and days later (qiyamat), then surely that person has gone astray as far as possible." (An-Nisaa ': 136).Regarding the certainty of God's own Qiyamat Day confirmed in the word-word, among others:"Those who disbelieve say that occasionally they will not be resurrected. Say: Not so, for the sake of my Lord, you really will be raised, then will be preached unto you what ye do. That is easy for Allah." (At-Taghabun / 64:7).Subhannahu Allah wa ta'ala also said:"... And gives a warning (again) about the day together (qiyamat) there is no doubt. A section of a party to go to heaven and hell." (As-Shura / 42:7)"And if the words have fallen upon them, we remove a type of creeping things of the earth who will tell them, that people actually were not sure the revelations of Us." (An-Naml / 27:82)."Until, when opened (wall) Gog and Ma'juj, and they go down quickly from the high ground. And it has been dekatlah coming true promise (Day qiyamat), then all of a sudden terbelalaklah the eyes of those who disbelieve. " (Al-Anbiyaa ': 96-97)."And when the trumpet is blown once inflatable, and the earth is moved and the mountains and then once they hit the dibenturkan. So on the day it came to pass qiyamat, and split the sky, because on that day the sky became weak. And the angels are in the sky over the-corners . And on that day eight angels uphold the Throne of your Lord above (head) them. On that day you are confronted (the Lord), not doin anything from a hidden (to Allah). "As to those who granted him his book of the right, so she said: Take, read kitabmu (this). Indeed I am convinced that I would actually meet reckoning (calculation) against me. So the people that are in a blessed life, in high heaven. fruits nearby, ( to them to say): Eat and drink with a delicious caused charities that ye did in the days that have past. The person who granted him his book in his left hand, then he said: O would be nice if not given me my book (this). And I do not know what reckoning for me. O presumably that's complete death of all things. my treasure never benefit me. Having lost power from me. (He said): Take him then belenggulah his hand to his neck. And then insert him into the the fire of hell fire. Then belitlah him with a chain seventy cubits long. Indeed he formerly did not believe in Allah the Most Great. And also he does not encourage (others) to feed the poor. "(Al-Haaqqah / 69:13-34).There are
many other verses in the Qur'an that affirm about qiyamat day.Signs qiyamat
many other verses in the Qur'an that affirm about qiyamat day.Signs qiyamat
As for the signs qiyamat, Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam explained by several haditsnya. Among them:"Indeed qiyamat that will not happen before the ten signs qiyamat, which sank in the East, sank in the west, sank in the Arabian Peninsula, the presence of smoke, coming of the Antichrist, Dabbah (large reptiles), Gog and Ma'juj , the rising sun from the west, out the fire from the tip of Aden which leads human beings, and the decline of the Prophet Jesus. "(Hadith Muslim History.)"Dajjal will come to my people and lived for 40 years, and then God sent Jesus son of Mary, then he is looking for the Antichrist and destroy. Then for 70 years people live safely and peacefully, there was no animosity between anyone. After that God the cold wind blew from the direction of Sham country (now Syria, pen). So every man who in his heart there is virtue even of an atom, would meet his death. Even if if someone of you into the mountain, the wind would catch it and turn it off. The rest live people evil like a wild animal (FII khiffatit thoiri ahlaamis sibaa wa '), they do not know the goodness and do not deny kemungkaran.And the devil incarnate in them (men) and said: Would you grant? Man said: What would you tell us? Then ordered to their devil for idolatry, while their live in pleasure. Then the trumpet is blown. But one can not be heard unless the person is sharp hearing.And the people who first heard of a man who take care of his camel. The Prophet said: the death of all mankind. Then the rain came down like rain drizzle. Then the human body from there (from the grave-grave). Then the trumpet sounded again, then suddenly they stood waiting. And he said unto them, O people, come face to your Lord, and they are in Mahsyar because they will be required responsibilities.Then it is said unto them, Go ye as hell is brought up, then say it again: Of what?Then say again: Of every one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine persons.That was the situation on the day the child become gray and calf revealed on the day (day Qiyamat that describes people who want to run very scared because of the turmoil Qiyamat). "(Hadith Muslim History.)Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when berkhutbah:"O people, that ye will be gathered of God in a state of naked feet, naked, in a state of foreskin (not circumcised). Remember that people who initially were given clothes are Ibrahim AS. Remember that there will be among my people are seated next toleft. When I say: O Lord, (they are) my best friend. Then God said: You do not know what they do after your (death). "(Muslim).AccountabilityRegarding the accountability act, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"On the day Qiyamat, each slave will not go before asked four things of life to what he spent, his knowledge to what he resume practicing, he gained his wealth from where and for what he spent, and (health) body to what he used. "(Reported by Tirmidhi, hasan saheeh hadeeth, and this text according to the report narrated by Muslim).About the enormity of the situation until the human Qiyamat not remember the others, as for the explanation:"From Aisha, that she remembered Hell then cry, then He asked: What makes you cry? Aisha said: I thought of Hell, until I cried. Qiyamat Is the day you will remember the family? Answer Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam: As in three places, people do not remember the others, when weighed his credit before he knows the severity of his good deeds. When the books were flying to his credit record before he knows where hinggapnya book, on the right, left, or behind him. And when pursuing a catwalk / bridge (shirath) that lie on the back of the Fire before him through it. "(Abu Daud, hasan hadeeth).That event is mandatory Qiyamat we believe along with the signs. Overall it is a supernatural, God alone knows, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam mengkhabarkan it from God's revelation. So the things that do not comply with the explanation of God and His Apostle we must reject, although coming from people who claim to intellectual, an expert, nor claim to have been investigated for years by the so-called scientific methods and sophisticated. Conversely, if it comes from God and His Apostle, then shall we believe in it. And believe in the Day Qiyamat was a principal in dalamIslam halyangtermasuk as mentioned above.Deny means that damaged his faith
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